
Seminar Speakers: Lauren Parker, Harshpal Singh and Adlai Fonseca

110 AIME Building

Lauren Parker Title: "Floods and Eutrophication in Weeks Bay, AL: An Evaluation of Long-Term Environmental Change and Human Impacts on Coastal Estuaries" Harshpal Singh Title: "Isostasy and Lithospheric Structure of Tibetan Plateau" Adlai Fonseca Title: "Holocene Paleoclimatic and Paleoceanographic Changes in Collins Bay, Antarctica"

Seminar Speaker:Dr. Oriol Falivene

110 AIME Building

Research Geologist Shell Oil Company Title: "Application of numerical forward models for stratigraphic prediction in E&P"

Seminar Speakers: Leah Travis Taylor, Man Lu and Alaina Smith

110 AIME Building

Leah Travis Taylor Title: "Reconstructing the Paleoecology of the Alabama Mosasaur Clidastes from Phosphate Oxygen Isotopes in Fossil Tooth Enamel" Man Lu Title: "The Early Evolution of the Global Wildfire During the Rise of First Devonian Forests: Geochemical and Paleontological Approaches" Alaina Smith Title: "Pressure-Temperature-Time Paths Within a Crustal Scale Shear Zone: Takaka Sequence -

Alabama Karst Science Symposium

Smilth Hall Room 205

The first Alabama Karst Science Symposium will take place in Smith Hall on August 13, 2019 at 8:00 AM, with the first presentation starting at 8:30. Registration will begin at 7:30.

DGS Seminar – Yuji Arai

"Subsurface phosphorus transport in intensively managed agricultural soils in Midwestern U. S."