
Seminar Speakers: Greg Gushurst and Rebecca Greenberg

110 AIME Building

Greg Gushurst Title: "Lithospheric Structure and Plate Locking Mechanism of the Central Andes Subduction: Combined Modelling of Satellite and Terrestrial Gravity Data" Rebecca Greenberg Title: "Crude Oil Recovery from Saturated

Seminar Speakers: Jonathan Riddle and Hao Wu

110 AIME Building

Jonathan Riddle Title: "Carbonation of Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum for CO 2 Sequestration" Hao Wu Title: "White Noise Attenuation of Seismic Data by Integrating Variational Mode Decomposition and Convolutional Neural

Seminar Speakers: Lauren Parker, Harshpal Singh and Adlai Fonseca

110 AIME Building

Lauren Parker Title: "Floods and Eutrophication in Weeks Bay, AL: An Evaluation of Long-Term Environmental Change and Human Impacts on Coastal Estuaries" Harshpal Singh Title: "Isostasy and Lithospheric Structure of

Seminar Speaker:Dr. Oriol Falivene

110 AIME Building

Research Geologist Shell Oil Company Title: "Application of numerical forward models for stratigraphic prediction in E&P"

Seminar Speakers: Leah Travis Taylor, Man Lu and Alaina Smith

110 AIME Building

Leah Travis Taylor Title: "Reconstructing the Paleoecology of the Alabama Mosasaur Clidastes from Phosphate Oxygen Isotopes in Fossil Tooth Enamel" Man Lu Title: "The Early Evolution of the Global Wildfire

Alabama Karst Science Symposium

Smilth Hall Room 205

The first Alabama Karst Science Symposium will take place in Smith Hall on August 13, 2019 at 8:00 AM, with the first presentation starting at 8:30. Registration will begin at